This is a paid advertisement sponsored by Austin Gold Corp.

One of The Best Kept Secrets on The New York Stock Exchange

  • Tiny 82-cent Gold Firm Acquires Land Held in One Family for Over 60 Years…
  • Turns Out to Be Located in one of the Richest Gold Districts in all of Nevada with Over 160 million Ounces of Gold previously mined in this area.

Analyst Expects Shares to TRIPLE from What Could Be A Stunning Future for Austin Gold Corp (NYSE:AUST)[1]

It all started with breaking into a locked shed that had not been opened for so long that the key was lost.

The previous landowners, who leased the land to this company, couldn’t even find the key.

So, they had to cut the lock. 

What they found… hasn’t even been made known to the world yet, as all the surveys and surface geochemical work are still being completed!

But the results are nothing short of breathtaking…

With the project located 20 miles northeast of the Carlin Trend and 12 miles south of Jerritt Canyon, both major mining districts containing large Carlin-type gold deposits in Nevada… this company is now sitting on land that will be envied by gold explorers.[2]

Until recently, it sat privately, in the same family for more than 60 years.

But not anymore.

That’s because target definition starts this summer … and these could be the final days to get in on a $0.82 gold stock before a Roth analyst says shares could go up to $2.96![3][4]

Which is no stretch of the imagination considering the potential of this company’s projects.

Central banks are buying gold at record pace, even as gold hits record highs.[5]

Gold continues to hit all-time highs as the Fed struggles to battle inflation.[6]

These new records are also fueled by geopolitical chaos.[7]

Which is why Van Eck is predicting gold stocks will soon start outperforming gold.[8]

And this stock, now sitting on what could be among the greatest of gold discoveries in Nevada, could very well be leading the charge. 

Which may explain why… this stock only has buy ratings.[9]

So if you’d like to know more, let me introduce you to Austin Gold Corp. (NYSE: AUST).

Every great company is led by an even greater team.

Austin Gold Corp. is filled with true explorers and producers.

There are two economic geologists on the Advisory Board who have discovered over 1 billion ounces of silver.[10]

And over 10 million ounces of gold so far in their careers with other companies.

That’s worth over 53 billion dollars![11]

The Board Members have been involved in building three companies valued at over $1 billion. One of which was bought out by Newcrest Mining for over $2.8 billion.

That’s a good thing because it means the board is very familiar with scaling companies more than 100 times the size of Austin.[12]

And this excellence truly starts at the top down.

The President took his first company public in 1985 and has launched several companies since that time. 4 of which were involved in takeover bids. His last company was taken over by what is now the largest Uranium producer in the United States, Energy Fuels.[13]

The bottom line is the board is stacked in a way few resource companies ever will be. Which is yet another reason they are one of the only exploration companies listed on the NYSE American.

Now they’re looking to grow their next 100x business again with Austin Gold Corp.

And considering they’re sitting on properties that could hold multiple discoveries,
underexplored and held privately for years, it’s possible they could do it again!

Dennis Higgs, President of Austin Gold (NYSE: AUST), has famously said: Some of the biggest returns come from discovery.[14]

Those familiar with the legendary Lassonde Curve are aware just how right he is. Designed by the famous founder of Franco-Nevada Mining and former President of Newmont Corporation, Pierre Lassonde, it illustrates the different phases of a mining company’s life cycle, from exploration and discovery, to feasibility, development and finally, production.

If you look below, discovery is one of the phases of a resource company’s life cycle where the company goes on its fastest, most vertical growth.

This hard and fast vertical growth is likely why Wall Street is hoping this company has a significant new discovery in Nevada.

Like a powder keg, it’s primed to ignite – if Austin Gold (NYSE: AUST) has a significant discovery on any of its projects.

What’s great from an investment standpoint…

Although the price of gold has reached new record highs in 2024, gold miners are still far from their 2011 peaks.[15]

Making this a rare chance to get value and play gold’s rise without dropping $2,000 or more an ounce. Instead, you spend less than $1…

For Less Than $1… You Could Get Potential Powerball-Like Results from This Different Type of Gold Company

Austin is unique in that they are exploring for more than just the gold at an open pit level and surface level dig…

While other miners may give up if it’s not at the open pit level, Austin looks deeper.

The company is exploring deeper to find the source of the gold: the high-grade veins that may be the “feeders” to the lower-grade stockwork mineralization found by those earlier explorers. This is what’s called the feeder system.[16]

At Stockade Mountain, Austin is pursuing high-grade vein/breccia deposits that would be mined by underground methods and is the first company to target this type of deposit here. The geology and known historical gold drilling data fit the “epithermal low-sulfidation” model extremely well, and the property has district-scale discovery potential.

Results so far included high gold values of 9.32 and 8.19 grams per tonne (“g/t”) over short intervals of chalcedonic vein and breccia, and a long intercept of 137.9 feet (42.1m) that averaged 0.636 g/t

They have 3 major projects – 2 in Nevada, 1 in Oregon.[17]

Nevada is one of the richest gold districts in the world, producing over 205 million ounces throughout history![16] California may be known as the Golden State due to its history with miners, but Nevada far outpaces its production today!

And rightfully so – it’s one of the top gold districts in the world. 

What’s incredible is Austin Gold (NYSE: AUST) has come into some land that’s been in one family for sixty years.

Meaning the company has the potential for discovery in one of the richest gold districts in the world.

And now they can start exploring in that rich gold district where the project has been held by one family for two generations.

The way Austin Gold Corp came into the land reads right out of a movie script…

When the company went to find the old maps and surveys from the family, they leased it from…

They couldn’t even find the key to unlock where they were stored… it’d been that long since this literal treasure box had been opened![19]

Which is why the stock – even though the company has the potential for discovery – is trading for less than $1.00.

This company only has 13,271,750 shares outstanding and a tiny market cap of under $13 million and over $7 million in its treasury.

Which would explain why management is holding on so tightly after busting open that safe.

Insiders are so confident in this company; they hold over 50% of the company shares.[20]

Austin Gold’s Lone Mountain is a very large land package situated right in the heart of Nevada’s gold country, 22 miles northeast of the huge Carlin cluster of gold deposits and 19 miles south of the Jerritt Canyon deposits. With an area totaling over 22 square miles, Lone Mountain is truly district-scale in size, and comprises numerous mineralized areas that would be projects in themselves.

The Carlin Trend is the largest concentration of gold deposits in North America. Over 40 deposits have been discovered along this 40-mile-long trend.

All the geological characteristics found at the nearby large Carlin-type deposits are in place at Austin’s Lone Mountain, which is why other companies have historically explored the district.

They are also fully funded for exploration programs planned for the next year.

So they’re not waiting to raise money to start the exploration programs…

Or start drilling.

They’re ready to go right now.

Clients of Morgan Stanely and Royal Bank of Canada have already sniffed this out…

Switching gears from their historic project in Nevada… 

Their project at Stockade Mountain in Oregon also looks promising. Most people don’t realize this but Oregon also has significant gold mineralization. There are literally 7 rivers in Oregon where you can pull nuggets out of the water with your bare hands.[21]

But Stockade Mountain is showing far more than just a handful of nuggets…

By drilling deeper than the previous companies, focusing on the feeder system, they’ve been able to confirm that the mineralizing system at Stockade Mountain is robust and contains significant gold grades, with the strongest intercepts of 8.19 g/t over 4 feet and 9.32 g/t over 2.7 feet.![22]

These results continue to demonstrate the strength of the hydrothermal system and the potential for significant gold mineralization within the project area.[23]

It is expected those results could get better as they get closer and closer to the “feeder” vein system. And Austin plans to drill this summer!

That easily gives investors plenty of catalysts within the next several months.

But over the next 12 months, as they continue to advance their projects… Austin Gold may soon have:

Results from drilling at two projects. If they have a discovery, big gold mining companies will become interested!

No doubt they may wish they’d beaten this company to the punch!

If a large discovery is made, a buyout offer, which is well within the management’s experience, isn’t out of the question.

The board members have experience not only running billion-dollar companies, but facilitating those exact types of mergers. They have a proven track record of scaling businesses to over 100 times the size of Austin.

Think of it from this perspective… in the words of the very own President of the company:

Countless people buy a two-dollar Powerball ticket in the hopes to take a shot at a billion-dollar prize.

They do it whenever there is a Powerball lottery, with potentially only one winner.

Yet with a company like Austin… if they find a billion-dollar discovery, all shareholders are potential winners.[24]

Which you can get for less than $1…

With over 102 million ounces of past gold production in the Carlin and Jerrit Canyon districts located near the company’s Lone Mountain area of Nevada alone… at today’s record prices… that’s a potential value of $240,000,000,000.

And remember, Austin Gold has leased this land that has been held by one family for 2 generations!

In summation…

Austin Gold (NYSE: AUST) offers an unparalleled combination of experienced leadership working with serial mine-finders in the southwestern U.S., including Nevada, the world’s number one gold producer by area, and home to some of the world’s largest gold mines.

No one knows what is in the ground before it’s drilled or whether Austin Gold will have a discovery on the projects that they are currently working on…

However, they are exploring for large gold deposits in areas known for hosting large gold deposits! The prize is potentially worth billions of dollars!

When there is a lottery with a billion-dollar prize in the US, there are a lot of people buying the tickets, and only one potential winner.

With a potential billion-dollar prize at Austin Gold, if they have a discovery, all shareholders are potential winners!

You can’t win the lottery if you don’t have a ticket!

SO, Here’s 5 reasons to keep this company on your radar:


Advisory Board with proven track record of finding over 1 billion ounces of silver and 10 million ounces of gold.


The Board members have experience building and running companies 100x the size of Austin Gold. Several of whom have been involved in buyout offers with companies now worth over $1 billion.[25]


Their projects have potential for multiple discoveries, located in favorable geologic settings for discovery with early exploration expenditures already completed.


They have enough funding to cover their planned exploration projects for this year, allowing them to ride gold’s all-time highs and fuel their stock growth with results.


Insiders are holding on tight – with Principals owning over 50% of the company.


The company is listed on the NYSE American, one of the only gold pure-exploration companies lucky enough to be listed, making it accessible for almost any investor.

In conclusion, with inflationary pressures the Fed is unable to control and the geopolitical risks of the world, gold is expected to continue to be a safe haven.[26]

Forbes reported: analysts are calling from $3,000 to $10,000 per ounce of gold according to a recent report from New York-based commodities consulting company CPM Group. [27]

Central bankers are buying it up faster than ever.[28]

Meaning if you were ever going to play gold… now could be the time.

And if you were going to pick a single company to do it, Austin Gold is a rare gold exploration play listed on the NYSE American.

The market capitalization of Austin Gold is only $12.5 million, with Directors and Officers holding an amazing 50% of the shares!

Austin Gold should 100% be on your radar.

The ticker is NYSE: AUST.

And currently shares are priced for less than $1. 

But with everything trending in the right direction not only for gold, but also for this company which has district-scale potential in Nevada and Oregon!

AUST should be on every investor’s radar.

Good investing!

P.S. Still want more information on Austin Gold (NYSE: AUST)?

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This PUBLICATION is an issuer-paid advertisement. This paid advertisement includes a stock profile of Austin Gold Corp. (NYSE: AUST). To enhance public awareness of NYSE: AUST and its securities, the issuer has provided i2i Marketing Group, LLC (“i2i”) with a total budget of approximately fifty thousand ($50,000.00) USD to cover the costs associated with this advertisement for a period beginning 18 June 2024 and currently set to end 21 June 2024. The website hosting this advertisement, Investing Trends, is owned by i2i. As a result of this advertisement, Investing Trends may receive advertising revenue from new advertisers and collect email addresses from readers that it may be able to monetize. I2i will retain any excess sums after all expenses are paid. I2i is solely responsible for the contents of this advertisement. As of the date this advertisement is posted to the Investing Trends website, some or all of i2i, Investing Trends, and any of their respective officers, principals, or affiliates (as defined in the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Rule 501(b) promulgated there under) may hold the securities of NYSE: AUST’s and may sell those shares during the course of this advertising campaign. This advertisement may increase investor and market awareness, which may result in an increased number of shareholders owning and trading the securities of NYSE: AUST’s, increased trading volume, and possibly an increased share price of NYSE: AUST’s securities, which may or may not be temporary and decrease once the advertising campaign has ended.

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[11], 1,000,000,000 x 30.80 + 10,000,000 x 2,360.25












[23] https://






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